I watched interesting video of Bryan Cantrill (author of Solaris dtrace
) about cloud platforms
and interested in his other writing. In his blog he brought topic about his interview process. I am
curious how good I fit his expectation.
It is common interview programming task to reverse singly linked list in-place.
Let's answer to some interview questions about HTTP protocol.
There are a lot of questions in DB and SQL topic. I put here some simple and tricky ones.
Today I'll show how to find a loop in linked list with a linear time complexity.
Now is time for some Java interview questions.
Some interview question can be solved by dynamic programming.
One of such is a coin problem - express an amount of money with the minimal coin number.
Another interesting task for interview is "Longest substring without repeating characters".
Usual interview task is: Print all possible n pairs of balanced parentheses.
Today talk is going about CSS / HTML / HTML 5 related questions on interview.
It's time for some common JS interview questions.
This evening I'll try to answer general / motivation questions that usually are asked during interview.
I thought it would nice to track progress in a blog during preparation for a job interview. Now the time has come.