Oleksandr Gavenko's blog
2017-10-09 10:00 Connect to Android via USB by adb in Windows

Besides official Google phones and a few branded, which have "official" adb drivers, most of the nonname/Chinese phones don't have one to make connection via USB.

You can try to connect by adb via network but that's another story.

So if you have official Android device:


Get the Google USB Driver.

or if you devices is branded:


Install OEM USB drivers.

If your device isn't in the list of officially supported you can try to find driver in Windows update catalog at http://www.catalog.update.microsoft.com.

Use search by vendor or device name, or string adb. Alternatively use hardware id.

BTW older version of official Google drivers are also in Windows update catalog.

Most probably you will fail to find drivers for numerous Chinese/noname Android devices. We can reuse official Google drivers. To do that:

As you see Google's adb driver works fine with any Android phone. It's Microsoft policy to forbid class drivers so each vendor is required to provide same driver with different hardware ID and to pay money for Windows Logo® program and signing process.

bcdedit can be run with alternative options:

cmd# bcdedit.exe /set nointegritychecks on
cmd# bcdedit.exe /set nointegritychecks off
windows, android, adb, driver


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