Oleksandr Gavenko's blog
2017-04-13 00:00 Moving change from the middle of branch to top of parent branch in Git

During development in feature-branch I made change that is unrelated to feature and I want to integrate it before feature will be completed.

Suppose you have change F in the middle of development branch that you want to publish (say on master):

master          dev
  |              |
  v              v
  X -> A -> F -> B

As always in history rewriting let's assume that changes within master..dev are not published yet.

First strategy is to move F to top of dev with:

$ git co dev
$ EDITOR=emacs  git rebase -i F^1

where you should rearrange pick lines in text editor. Move first line, that represent fix because of the way we specify revisions: fix^1, to the end, save editing and exit editor. Now we should have:

master          dev
  |              |
  v              v
  X -> A -> B -> F

Create named reference to F and move dev behind F:

$ git branch fix
$ git reset --hard fix^1

Now we have:

master     dev  fix
  |         |    |
  v         v    v
  X -> A -> B -> F

Now with --onto option we can split linear history into two branches:

$ git co master
$ git rebase --onto master dev fix

After that we would have:

master fix
  |     |
  v     v   dev
  X  -> F    |
    \        v
     -> A -> B

Fast-forward master on top of fix:

$ git co master
$ git merge fix

We would have:

master fix
     | |
     v v  dev
X  -> F    |
  \        v
   -> A -> B

Get rid of temporary name fix and rebase dev on top of F:

$ git branch -d fix
$ git co dev
$ git rebase master

Alternative way is to move F to the bottom and move master pointer:

$ git co dev
$ EDITOR=emacs  git rebase -i master

After rearranging pick lines in text editor by moving F to the top F will be at the bottom of changes:

master          dev
  |              |
  v              v
  X -> F -> A -> B

Fast-forward master to F:

$ git co master
$ git merge F

What's about cherry-picking? Let's do it:

$ git co master
$ git cherry-pick F

You get:

     v         dev
X -> F'         |
  \             v
   -> A -> F -> B

With interactive rebase remove F:

$ git co dev
$ EDITOR=emacs git rebase -i F^1

After saving edits in editor you should rebase changes on new top of master:

$ git rebase master

That's all!

Finally we can publish our fix:

$ git push origin master

I've got some tips from:

git, vcs


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