It is reoccuring question how one could invoke a Spring proxied bean method from the bean itself preserving all side-effects of AOP assigned to the method.
Earlier I stopped posting from 2011 till 2017 while "slowly" built own static blog engine.
In 2017 I managed to convert RST files to HTML and published this time self-hosted blog online (just before starting a job search to keep a journal helping me with an interview preparation).
I made several ridiculous design decisions. The structure of compiled pages made it impossible to host rich content (like supplementary pictures or code).
In 2021 I redesigned generated structure to overcome limitations and added support for Markdown.
All that time (since 2011) I collected more than 10000 articles for publishing. So you'll see some in the near future ))
Spring Cloud Config Server has magical property searchPaths
that magically alter search order of
YAML file in Git repository. YAML file name conventions and config file layout itself are magic.
I watched interesting video of Bryan Cantrill (author of Solaris dtrace
) about cloud platforms
and interested in his other writing. In his blog he brought topic about his interview process. I am
curious how good I fit his expectation.
It is common interview programming task to reverse singly linked list in-place.
I am reading a lot and reading from PC or a laptop screen is not a pleasure if you are in a bed ))
I wanted a gadget which would replace paper books and that would be as good as paper or better ))
During development in feature-branch I made change that is unrelated to feature and I want to integrate it before feature will be completed.
Developers tend to indent code just because of null
Maintaining code with checks first and keeping all on a single level can be tricky because language designers don't worried about such use case.
We need to reset our Flyway history due to major DB refactoring. All changes would be squashed into a single that creates a base schema to be able to recreate database from scratch.
But we don't want conflicts with existing tables in production.
In order to be able to build project at home I need access to company's repository manager.
As a workaround I set up local Arifactory and added proxies for public and private repositories.
If project is shared by team members with different OS it is possible that your files have mix of eol (end of line) styles.
With modern Windows privileges schema (unlike in Windows XP) Emacs can't save edits to many files placed in special directories (like "Program Files").
To allow saving of modification you should grand Administrator privileges to Emacs process.
HP LaserJet on Windows have special GUI that ask you to supply paper after running out of paper. But Linux drivers for CUPS doesn't depend on GUI.
How could you join two unpublished commits in Mercurial?
Putting one symbol prefix from the beginning of ASCII chart to a file name bring that file up in a list of files ordered by names.
I implemented 2048 game in JS but it lack support for mobile devices because game input is keyboard driven.
To enable mobile devices I have to figure out how touch events is exposed by browser to JS runtime.
I bought new Android phone and the only one application that I should take care is AnkiDroid.
I don't want to lose my learning progress.
What does billion mean in English? Does it 10⁹ or 10¹²? In a past that would be confusing.
"Tower of Hanoi" is a famous task. It has a simple recursive solution.
Tonight I'll show how to set Let's Encrypt for Lighttpd.
I haven't used Windows for a long time and my new job may require Windows environment. So I checked out new ways to use Emacs under Windows.
Let's answer to some interview questions about HTTP protocol.
There are a lot of questions in DB and SQL topic. I put here some simple and tricky ones.
Today I'll show how to find a loop in linked list with a linear time complexity.
Now is time for some Java interview questions.
Some interview question can be solved by dynamic programming.
One of such is a coin problem - express an amount of money with the minimal coin number.
Another interesting task for interview is "Longest substring without repeating characters".
Usual interview task is: Print all possible n pairs of balanced parentheses.
Today talk is going about CSS / HTML / HTML 5 related questions on interview.
It's time for some common JS interview questions.
This evening I'll try to answer general / motivation questions that usually are asked during interview.
I thought it would nice to track progress in a blog during preparation for a job interview. Now the time has come.
A long time ago I had two blogs at Blogspot service:
dating from 2009-04-05 to 2011-09-19.